Die ARD-Tagesschau begann am Sonntagabend ihre Hauptausgabe mit einem Bericht über die Abstimmung. Grosse Medien wie die New York Times, Al Jazeera, Wall Street Journal, der Spiegel, Le Monde usw. berichteten auf der Frontseite über das Thema.
New York Times
GENEVA — Swiss residents voted Sunday to impose some of the world’s most severe restrictions on executive compensation, ignoring a warning from the business lobby that such curbs would undermine the country’s investor-friendly image.
BBC, London
Swiss voters have overwhelmingly backed proposals to impose some of the world's strictest controls on executive pay, final referendum results show.
The Telegraph, London
Swiss vote 'to crack down on excessive pay'. A plan to limit pay to executives based in Switzerland is expected to be passed on Sunday, as people vote on the referendum against “rip-offs” remuneration.
Irish Times, Dublin
Executive life in Switzerland will soon be less lucrative after more than two-thirds of Swiss voted yesterday in favour of capping pay at listed companies.
CBS News, Washington/New York
Swiss voters voiced their anger at perceived corporate greed Sunday by approving a plan to boost shareholders' say on executive pay.
The Wall Street Journal, New York
ZURICH—Swiss voters on Sunday overwhelmingly backed a plan giving shareholders sweeping authority over executive pay, the latest in a series of moves aimed at curbing what is seen as excessive remuneration levels at top companies.
Bloomberg, New York
Swiss voters approved some of the world’s toughest limits on executives’ pay in a referendum, a move critics say could make Switzerland less attractive to multinational corporations.
Le Monde, Paris
Les Suisses approuvent l'interdiction des parachutes dorés. Les Suisses ont largement approuvé l'initiative limitant les "rémunérations abusives" des patrons des sociétés suisses cotées en Suisse ou à l'étranger et qui prévoit d'interdire leurs parachutes dorés, selon les résultats officiels publiés dimanche 3 mars.
Libération, Paris
Les patrons suisses privés de parachutes dorés. Un texte proposant d'encadrer les rémunérations abusives a été adopé lors d'un vote populaire, dimanche.
Corriere della sera
E dunque la Svizzera, la terra delle banche e delle multinazionali, sarà il primo paese d’Europa ad adottare una norma che pone un tetto ai superstipendi dei manager.
La Repubblica, Rom
La Svizzera dice basta ai superbonus. E' legge il tetto a stipendi per manager Il referendum proposto da Thomas Minder è passato con il 68% dei voti positivi. La remunerazione non sarà più decisa dai cda delle società, ma dalle assemblee degli azionisti che dovranno rispettare i nuovi paletti imposti dalla normativa in vigore dal 2014: in caso di violazione si rischiano fino a 3 anni di carcere.
Al Jazeera, Katar/London
Swiss vote for tough curbs on executive pay. Voters approve some of world's strictest controls on executive pay, including ban on big bonuses for departing managers.
FAZ, Frankfurt
Volksabstimmung gegen „Abzocker“. Die Schweizer legen den Managern enge Zügel an. Seit dem Beginn der Finanzkrise wurde in der Schweiz gestritten: Sollen allzu üppige Manager-Vergütungen per Gesetz gekappt werden? Nein, sagten die Unternehmen. Unbedingt, entschied nun das Volk.
Guardian, London
Voters in Swiss referendum back curbs on executives' pay and bonuses Exit polls suggest 68% support for 'Minder initiative' which would also ban golden handshakes and golden parachutes.
Der Spiegel, Hamburg
SPD fordert Anti-Gier-Gesetz auch für Deutschland. Die Schweizer haben per Volksentscheid strenge Regeln für Managergehälter beschlossen - dem Beispiel will die SPD nun folgen. Vizefraktionschef Poß verlangt eine gesetzliche Regelung für Deutschland, um das "perverse Boni-System" zu begrenzen.